iPad gets a screen lock, will it come to the iPhone?

Now here is something coming to the iPad for which I would even consider making a call to the man himself: Steve Jobs. After coming back from a hectic day and going (almost) handson with the Notion Ink ADAM at HeadStart – ITsAP startup showcase in Hyderabad, the iPad is a refresher before a good night sleep. So what we hear is that iPad now accommodates a screen lock instead of a mute button and this is something much needed on the iPhone / iPod touch already. Just last week we saw an app that brought this option to the iPhone via Cydia. I would quote Abhishek explaining the problem here:

it frustrates a lot when the screen orientation is changed to landscape while on lying on a bed even id we don’t want the screen to rotate. Since apple doesn’t provides any way to control this,

Now thats one problem the iPad seems to be answering officially and I sincerely hope that the iPhone 4G also brings this in, in some form or the other.